IRCTC Train 60 Days Advance Ticket Date Calculator

Planning your train journey? This tool helps you find the exact date when you can start booking your tickets. Since IRCTC allows booking 60 days in advance, you don’t have to count the days manually, this tool will do it for you!

The date is calculated assuming the train starts from the starting station on the same day

How It Works:

  1. Select your journey date using the date picker.
  2. Click the button to see the date from which booking starts.
  3. Also, check today’s booking limit to see the latest journey date available for booking.

How many days before can I book a train ticket on IRCTC?

You can book tickets 60 days in advance for most trains.

What time does ticket booking start on IRCTC?

Booking opens at 8:00 AM on the IRCTC website, app, and ticket counters.

How do I calculate my booking start date?

Subtract 60 days from your journey date. You can also use our date calculator to find the exact date.

Can I book tickets for any train 60 days in advance?

Most trains follow the 60-day rule, but some special trains may have a different booking period.

Is the 60-day rule applicable to Tatkal tickets?

No, Tatkal tickets can be booked one day before the journey date. AC class opens at 10:00 AM, and non-AC at 11:00 AM.

Earlier, IRCTC allowed passengers to book train tickets 120 days (4 months) in advance. However, this rule was changed, and now tickets can be booked only 60 days (2 months) before the journey date.

Why was the rule changed?

The Indian Railways reduced the advance booking period to 60 days to:
✔ Prevent misuse and bulk booking by agents.
✔ Reduce the number of cancellations.
✔ Make ticket availability fairer for all passengers.

When was this rule implemented?

The change from 120 days to 60 days was implemented in May 2013. Since then, all general reservations follow the 60-day advance booking rule.

Who does this rule apply to?

  • General reserved tickets (Sleeper, AC classes).
  • Bookings made online through IRCTC or at railway stations.

Does this change affect Tatkal tickets?

No, Tatkal ticket booking remains unchanged. Tatkal tickets can be booked one day before the journey at:

  • 10:00 AM for AC classes
  • 11:00 AM for non-AC classes

How does this impact passengers?

✔ Passengers need to plan their bookings closer to the travel date.
✔ It reduces the number of cancellations and increases availability.
✔ Passengers can still book tickets up to 60 days in advance for most trains.

This change was introduced to make ticket booking more transparent and accessible for everyone.